A. Items to be addressed pursuant to resolution CD/RES 05 (88-R/13) “Twenty-First Pan American Congress” and addendum.
- Election of the President of the 21st Pan American Child Congress.
- Election of the Vice-Presidents of the 21st Pan American Child Congress.
- Adoption of the Agenda.
- Adoption of the Order of Business.
- Other agreements adopted at the Preliminary Session.
- A Keynote Address, a Panel of Experts and States’ Presentations Panels on the elimination of violence against children – 25 Years after the CRC: Building Peaceful Environments.
- A Keynote Address, a Panel of Experts and States’ Presentations Panels on Juvenile Criminal Liability Systems in the region. (Non-custodial sentences and alternative and early termination measures in criminal proceedings.)
- A Keynote Address, a Panel of Experts and States’ Presentations Panels on child sexual exploitation in the Americas.
- Adoption of Resolutions:
- Unified Resolution arising from the Twenty-First Pan American Child Congress.
- Protocol resolution of thanks to the Government of Brazil as host State.
10. Presentation of conclusions:
- Overview by President of the 21st PACC
- Recommendations: Second Pan American Child Forum Second Civil Society Forum.
- States’ Presentations – Conclusions.