• CD/RES  05  (88-R/13) 


    (Adopted at the second plenary session, held on September 16, 2013)



    That the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the IIN stipulate that its Directing Council should determine the venue and date of the Pan American Children’s Congresses, and should also approve the draft agenda and rules of procedure for the Congresses;


    That the Pan American Children’s Congresses are Inter American meetings at highest level, whose objective is to promote the exchange of experiences and information among the peoples of the Americas and the Caribbean, and to make  recommendationson the issues put forward by the Institute, and that these Congresses may have the character of  Specialized Inter American Conferences;


    Resolution CD/RES. 04 (85-R/10) “Approval of the final Report of the XX Pan American Congress and the implementation of the First Pan-American Forum on Children”;


    That the Government ofBrazil has offered to host the 89thRegular Session of the Directing Council, the XXI Pan American Children’s Congress and the II Pan American Forum of Children,   which will be held in the month of December2014;

    That the DirectingCouncil decided by consensus, at its 88th Regular Meetingin the city of Medellin, Colombia, the agenda, programme and rules of procedure of the XXI Pan American Children’s Congress, as well as the II Pan American Forum of Children,


    1.  To thank the Government of Brazil for its generous offer to host the 89thRegularMeeting of the Directing Council, the XXI Pan American Children’s Congress  and Second Pan American Forum of Children to be held from December 8  to  12, 2014, and to accept this offer;

    2.  To reaffirm the commitment of the IIN’s Directing Council to holding this Congress and the Pan American Forum, each of which represents the most important event on children’s issues, andon the participation of children in the Inter American System;

    3.  To approve the agenda, and rules of procedure of the XXI Pan American Congresswhich are appended to this resolution, incorporating the comments made by the plenary;  as well as,  the proposed draft resolution, whose final version should be the subject of continued work and shouldbe agreed on by the States in  the final framework document;

    4.  To approve the proposal for the holding of the II Pan American Forum on Children within the framework of the XXI Pan American Children’s Congress;

    5.  To urge the Member States and the members of the Directing Council to disseminate information on the XXI Pan American Children’s Congress and on II Pan American Forum of Children, and to participate in the Congress and Forum.

    6.  To present the agenda and rules of procedure approved by the IIN’s Directing Council to the Permanent Council and to request through the Permanent Council, that the OAS General Assembly declare the XXI Pan American Children’s Congress  a “Specialized Inter American Conference”;

    7.  To request the General Directorate of the Inter American Children’s Institute to support the holding of the XXI Pan American Congress, in coordination with the Representation of the Government of Brazil to the Directing Council.